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Can't He Just Buy a TiVo Like Everybody Else?

Join us now, won't you, as the Mr. Irresponsible Players attempt to answer the question: Is a movie star really the guy you want behind the wheel of an unlicensed sonogram machine?

Okay, honey, just one more.


Mmmno, I don't like the angle on that one. Hang on.


There we go... Lemme see. Mmmmno, his chin's down, it makes his neck look stumpy. One more.


Nope, I can do it better. One more time.


Well, that one's just ugly.


Sorry, got a boom shadow there. Let's go again. Right away, please.


Okay, three quick ones.


Well, if you're not gonna get into it a little...

I'm sorry, honey, it's just that my eyes are starting to bleed and I'm pretty sure all my internal organs are, like, liquefying.

Okay, fine, we'll come back after lunch. (Screams at a puzzled Labrador trying to snooze in the corner) THAT'S LUNCH, PEOPLE!

Tonight's playlet brought to you by the Tom Cruise CrazyWatch.

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