Hunka Hunka Burnin' Feed

In a housekeeping move that seems sure to baffle everyone except Web geeks, Skip (our intern from the junior college) has moved this blog's email subscription service from something called Squeet to something called Feedburner. I'm not sure what this means to you, or more importantly, to me, or why he did it; the kid had that crazy, quavery Please please let me explain to you why this is so much better thing in his voice, and at times like that I just find it easier to say yes than to listen to him. But he assures me the switch will result in a zippier, more efficient delivery of fresh snark every day. Or at least every day I'm not otherwise occupied, or meeting with my lawyers, or trying to squeeze in a quick 9 before lunch. The larger point is: Hey, look down on the right! It's Mr. I by email! Go nuts, if you so choose.
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